Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday School: 3/30

The kids will learn the story of Noah and the Ark.

Opening Music

The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

The story of Noah and the Ark spans from Genesis 6 through 9. It is too much to read to the children, so we will use a 20 minute video to tell the story. 

Discussion Questions
1. What did God tell Noah to do? (Build an ark.)
2. Why did God tell Noah to build and ark? (To protect his family and the animals from the flood)

3.  What did the other people do or say when they found out Noah was building an ark?  (They laughed at Noah and ignored God's promise of a flood.)
3. How many of each kind of animal came into the ark? (Two.)
5. How long did it rain? (40 days)
6. What kind of bird brought back a sign of dry land? (A dove)
7. What did God put in the sky to remind us that we can always trust God's promises?  (A rainbow)

Print copies of Part 1 and Part 2 before class.

  1. Cut out the Ark. Cut along the dotted lines of the Ark's door so that the door can open and close. 
  2. Using A hole-puncher, punch out the two black circles on the top of the door.
  3. Glue the ark to a piece of construction paper using the glue stick. (Be careful not to glue the door shut.)
  4. Cut the animals out from the Animals printout or if you like.
  5. Cut 2 pieces of yarn approximately 7 or 8 inches long. 

  1. Color the sides and roof of their Ark.
  2. Paste the animals in the opening of the Ark's door.
  3. Thread the yarn through one of the holes in the Ark's door.
  4. Tape one end of the yarn to the door. Tape the other end of the yarn to the side of the ark, just beyond the opening of the door. Repeat for the other side of the door.
The children learn the Lord's prayer

CLOSING SONGS: Who Built The Ark

I Get Down, He Lifts Me Up

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